About Us
Market leadership does not come easy. Market leadership that continues for 25+ years most certainly does not. It needs hunger, passion and dedication. It needs an obsession with adding value to the customers life.
Our specialist sales teams cover Nuclear Medicine, Radiotherapy, Oncology, and Wound Care departments across all hospitals across India and has successfully launched products from global brands like Coloplast, Bristol Myers Squibb, Euromedical Instruments, Mallinkrodt, etc in India.
We have built inhouse expertise in regulatory clearances, product marketing (both online and offline), and resource planning to launch, market and sell cutting-edge products in India.
Market leadership does not come easy. But we remain hungry! We remain customer obsessed. We are firing ahead with next-generation innovation and fresh thinking, that adds value to our customers
Meet the Team

Amit Saxena

Sumit Saxena
Sumit exemplifies Saxsons’ commitment to delivering “Right.On Time”, maintaining focus on production and operational optimization strategies. He has worked with consulting firms like The Nielsen Company and Parthenon Group.Sumit is MBA from Tuck School of Business at Dartmouth

Stuti Saxena
General Manager Marketing
Stuti brings in the passion and commitment to serve the medical fraternity. She has an experience of over 20 years in the medical industry working with leading companies like Eli Lily and Johnson and Johnson in field of diabetes and Cardiac care. Stuti is BSc.(Zoology) and MBA from Symbiosis.